RecogNation, an employee recognition blog


RecogNation, an employee recognition blog
It’s Time to recognize: Discover daily insights, ideas, and inspiration on all things employee recognition, corporate culture, and wellness.

Terrified of Teamwork? You're not Alone

Flash back to your high school years.  You’re sitting in class listening to your teacher drone on about isotopes, when you hear the words, “group project.”  Naturally your stomach lurches at the thought of this upcoming assignment. You can already feel the fatigue from having to pull more than your fair share of the workload and are already dreading the inevitable personality conflicts that will ensue. 


The Super Simple 4-Step Guide to Rocking Employee Appreciation Day

Employee Appreciation Day 2016 is on Friday, March 4!

The CEO of Globoforce, Eric Mosley, said to Inc., “Companies should look at Employee Appreciation Day like it's Valentine's Day, or Mother's or Father's Day. The sentiments we share and the way we make others feel on those days is how we should act every day.” If you’re a parent, you probably know how good it feels to get slightly-burnt-toast or a-little-bit-soggy-cereal brought into your bedroom by a kid with a huge grin on his face. That’s the spirit of the day! It’s not necessarily about the quality of the mother’s day breakfast, it’s about the intention. Even if your special breakfast features clumpy instant coffee, your effort in making your employees appreciated will not go unnoticed! That is to say, even if you’re not a natural crafter or gregarious congratulator, follow these four simple steps and you’ll rock this Employee Appreciation Day!


Random Acts of Kindness Week 2016!

February 14-20 is Random Act of Kindness Week 2016! How will you celebrate?


Best Ways to Celebrate Valentine's Day at Work

This weekend is another Valentine’s Day and on Sunday, the majority of the world will celebrate love! This year, let’s think outside the usual box and expand our celebrations to include more than just romantic love. Let’s recognize the love of our children, parents, snuggly furbabies, friends, and even our coworkers! Whether V-Day brings on feelings of romance or resentment, don’t let your emotions get in the way of potential fun at work! Here at Baudville, we’re sort of nuts about fun at work. We even wrote an e-book about it! That being said, we’ve also written a post or two on tips for celebrating Valentine’s Day on the job. Below are three of our top posts on enjoying yourself on the pink-est day of the year.


5 Quick & Easy Ways to Give Thanks

Thanksgiving is this week, and that’s a perfect opportunity to give a little extra thanks to those around you! Whether it’s your co-worker, family member, or the cashier at the grocery store – Be sure to spread gratefulness to those who make differences in your life (big or small) and give them a reason to smile this season! Below are 5 quick ways to give thanks this week and on!




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