RecogNation, an employee recognition blog


RecogNation, an employee recognition blog
It’s Time to recognize: Discover daily insights, ideas, and inspiration on all things employee recognition, corporate culture, and wellness.

Posts by Cori

Cori is Baudville's in-house Recognitionista (she's officially a Certified Recognition Professional, too) and a member of the Millennial generation. Get her employee recognition tips and special discounts by liking Baudville on Facebook.
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New Product Preview a Hit with Local Customers

Last Thursday, we invited all of our local customers to visit Baudville for a new product preview, lunch, guest speaker and building tour. We were so busy preparing for the luncheon, that we didn’t have a chance to blog! Sorry about that! 

Everyone who visited was treated to an exclusive sneak peek at our newest products that will launch on our website June 28.  They’re so new, I can’t even show them here! I can show you a couple of the new shirts our team is sporting this year though. 


A Recognitionista’s Appreciation Event Ideas

Thanks to everyone who attended our live video webisode this morning! If you weren’t able to attend, you can view the recorded version in the Recognition TV section of our website or on our Facebook page.  

I shared some appreciation event ideas today, and I focused on four key event elements: theme, communication, activities and games and gifts and food. By examining each of these elements and making sure they work together, you can put on a successful appreciation event that is truly memorable for your attendees. 

Live from ASTD: Incorporate Daily Recognition into your Training Program

I’m in Chicago for the first part of the week exhibiting at the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) International Conference and Exposition. After a whirlwind first day, it’s safe to say the attendees are excited to see Baudville and all our cool stuff! 

I wanted to share our message with those of you who aren’t able to travel to the Windy City this week and make a few – very affordable – product suggestions that you can implement right away. 


Increase Engagement by Recognizing Employee Progress

Employee engagement has been an important issue for Human Resources and management since Gallup published its Employee Engagement index and estimated that disengaged workers cost U.S. businesses as much as $350 billion a year. This staggering figure got many to pay attention to employee engagement. Today, companies are focusing on improving employee engagement levels that were damaged by the layoffs and cutbacks of the recession. 


Volunteer Appreciation Makes a Difference to Volunteers

One of my favorite parts of attending conferences and managing social media for Baudville is hearing recognition stories from customers. This spring, we partnered with a local non-profit organization, Women’s Resource Center, which helps women gain economic independence by improving their employment situation. As you may expect, the organization has met a large need in our community during these difficult economic times. 

We provided a few products for Women’s Resource Center to recognize their volunteers because we believe volunteer appreciation is an important strategy to retain volunteers. By recognizing their contributions, volunteers feel like a valued part of the organization and continue to serve. 




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