RecogNation, an employee recognition blog


RecogNation, an employee recognition blog
It’s Time to recognize: Discover daily insights, ideas, and inspiration on all things employee recognition, corporate culture, and wellness.

Posts by Jenny

Jenny became a Baudvillian in 2013 and started out as a member of our sales team. She seemed to have a creative knack for Marketing and joined ranks with Krista in 2014 as Baudville's second Web Marketing Coordinator. She loves our products and probably owns every piece of drinkware we have to offer! Equipped with great knowledge of our customers and products, she's excited to help make your web experience even better!
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Who's Your Sole Mate?

I'm often jealous of the amazing shoe collection Allison has. For every adorable outfit, she has a matching pair of shoes to go with it. I, on the other hand, tend to lean towards the same pair of shoes, as long as they match, regardless of my outfit. Every morning I stare into my closet at my racks of shoes, and think maybe today I'll venture out. Then I grab the same black flats...


Free and Fun ePraise for Everyone!

Recognition ecards are great for recognizing employees who work different shifts or at offsite locations and popular with many people because they find it easier to type a recognition message to a co-worker than write a handwritten note. For effective everyday recognition, do both! 


Do You Want to Have More Participation in Company Events?

Creating Excitement and Increasing Attendance is Easy as 1, 2, 3…4!

If you’re involved in event planning for your company, you know how much time and effort goes in to making your events successful. You also know that there are good reasons your company hosts these activities: to build energy around new initiatives, to celebrate the achievements of the year, to provide moments of ice-breaking and fellowship among teams, and more. If you can’t get your employees engaged or interested in them, it can be both a disappointment as well as a waste of your time and your company’s money to continue. You might think the answer is to just stop having these events, but there’s a better answer than that: start making them better! How?


Are You Too Busy to Give Employee Recognition?

These Quick & Easy Ideas Will Help Maximize Your Time!

Your day starts before the sun is up and before the rest of the troops file in to the office. It ends with the man in the moon peeking through your office window. It’s just you and the hum of fluorescent lighting remaining… In-between, you’ve attended meetings, answered calls, and tended to your ever-overflowing inbox. You’re saving the world—putting out one fire after another—and, let’s face it, you’re exhausted. What you really need is a break—but your team really needs YOU. They need feedback, direction, advice, encouragement, and appreciation. Neglect your team and you neglect the one entity that holds the key to your success. So, what’s a time-challenged manager to do?


Keep your ear (or someone else’s) to the ground.

You can’t always have the face time you want or need to have with your team, which makes it tougher to plug in to what and how they’re doing. But, you can enlist a team leader or confidant who can help keep you up to date and aware—of the victories and challenges alike. Schedule regular time with that individual for a pulse check and you can ensure that you’ll won’t miss out on the big things, the little things, or anything in between.


Gather an arsenal.

If you don’t even have time for a lunch break, how on earth are you going to get to the card store to pick up everyday notes for your team? If you have a  Cheers Kit  on hand, you won’t need to! A single kit fits neatly on any desk and puts employee recognition right within reach. These cards are designed for a short, quick note, so you don’t need to spend a lot of time writing.


Take it on the go.

Keep a  Peel & Stick Note Set  in your planner or portfolio and you can do drive-by recognition whenever you need to. You’re always on your way to somewhere…make a quick stop along way and you’ll make someone’s day by showing you noticed. If you’re looking for a more tangible reward, 


Get everyone involved.

Guess what? You don’t have to do it all yourself! Peer recognition is just as valuable as recognition from managers. Shout Outs are our favorite tool, but if you already have a Cheers Kit, you can keep it in a central area and give everyone access to the notes.Looking for more tools for busy managers? Click here to see our entire collection of managers’ tools. And, now that you have the know-how, it’s time to stop being busy and time to get busy!


Do You Want Your Team To Feel Appreciated?

If you were to throw me up on a stage, I'd probably steal the show - but if you asked, Greg, one of our outbound sales reps, he'd laugh and say, "NO WAY!" My point? We all have different levels of comfort when it comes to being in the spotlight. So when you are thinking about recognizing someone, be sure to recognize them the right way... The right way for them, that is!




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