RecogNation, an employee recognition blog


RecogNation, an employee recognition blog
It’s Time to recognize: Discover daily insights, ideas, and inspiration on all things employee recognition, corporate culture, and wellness.

Posts by Maggie

Maggie is brand spankin’ new to the ‘ville (that’s what they call Baudville around these parts)! As the Marketing Manager, she'll be swimming in all things website, social media, and catalog related.

How to Convince Management to Invest in Recognition

Many of us know the importance of recognizing employees, but when it comes down to actually investing in a program it is really up to the leadership team. So, how do we convince these leaders that this is an important investment to make?


How to Find the Right Fit in an Interview

Every company has its own culture, from the stuffy, button-upped environment to the fun, beer-filled fridge in the cafeteria, everyone’s is different. So, how do you know when interviewing someone if they are going to fit into yours? When we spend more time at work than at home, we want to make sure the people we are with for over 40 hours a week fit in. Check out these four tips to making sure you have found the right cultural fit:


Is Your Corporate Culture Scaring Millennials?

Millennials are taking over the working industry, with over one in three American workers today being a part of this demographic. But this young talent pool is looking for a different corporate culture than how we have traditionally looked at the workplace. Long gone is the idea that people should be grateful to work somewhere. So, how can we make sure our office culture is not scaring these young people away?


Show your boss some love this Boss’s Day!

If you haven’t already, mark your calendars now: October 17th is Boss’s Day! You don’t want to be the one person in your office who forgets, right? Thankfully we have compiled a list to help you find that perfect gift to thank them for all of their hard work.


Five Tips to Help you Relieve Stress at Work

Stress. You know that feeling… papers are piling up at your desk, your boss is demanding that report and your cube mate won’t stop blaring that horrible music. Though we all handle it differently, here are some helpful tips to help you get through your stress while still being productive at work.




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