RecogNation, an employee recognition blog


RecogNation, an employee recognition blog
It’s Time to recognize: Discover daily insights, ideas, and inspiration on all things employee recognition, corporate culture, and wellness.

Holiday Team Gift Giving Ideas

First, a big thank you to everyone who attended today’s Recognition TV webisode! If you weren't able to make it, click here to watch recorded version. I appreciate your participation and feedback – thanks for sharing some great ideas!

If you’re looking for the gift giving best practices I shared today, jump over to Monday’s blog post, “Five Tips for Holiday Employee Gift Giving. “ And if you want to read my reasons for giving team gifts during the holidays, see my “Team Gifts for the Holiday Season ” blog post. This blog post is all about team gift ideas! Here are my suggestions from today’s Recognition TV:


Summer Team Events at Baudville

At Baudville, our culture is typically described as “work hard, play hard.” We are focused on our work and our goals, but we love to stop and have fun, too! And that is especially true during the summer when we can enjoy the beautiful Michigan weather (it’s currently 80 degrees and sunny!). 

One of the most anticipated summer team events at Baudville is an annual company picnic where employees can bring their families to enjoy dinner, activities, and prizes. It’s a lot of fun, and we look forward to it all year. In the past, we’ve held our picnic at a zoo, farm, ballpark, and amusement park. 


Employee Appreciation Day: lighter in calories, but just as fulfilling.

Employee Appreciation Day is around the corner (March 4th!), and since we’ve recently implemented a health and wellness program here at Baudville, I’ve been thinking about how some of our festivities for this event might change.

When I first started at Baudville, I definitely indulged in all the employee appreciation that was happening around the office. From popcorn and potlucks to pizza lunches, I partook, partook, and partook. And woke up six months later with an extra ten pounds on me!

Food is a great motivator and a great reward – I mean, we’ve all got to eat, right? But the very nature of a reward is that it is something extra. And, I think we all know what extra leads to!

So, I was thinking it would be great to share with everyone some ideas for celebrating Employee Appreciation Day without so much focus on food. But then I realized I really had no ideas. I stared into space for awhile, annoyingly tapped my pencil for five minutes straight (sorry, cube-mates!), and finally picked up the phone and called Cindy, our HR manager.

Much to my relief, she agreed to get together with me for a brainstorm. Our meeting actually turned into a much broader conversation about how we need to change our mindset—and become more health conscious throughout the whole year, not just on special occasions like Employee Appreciation Day. Which means:

Grape-Nuts instead of donuts: We have a great tradition of celebrating pretty much anything with muffins, bagels, or donuts. But the last time we had a good reason to cheer, we decided to rethink this ritual by bringing in fresh fruit, low fat milk and cereal, and all-natural juice. We still got our moment of camaraderie, but without the “forever on the hips” repercussion.   

Casual days instead of casual grazing: The thing about food rewards is that they’re so darn easy. But you know what else is easy? Letting everyone wear jeans. I don’t know what it is about this reward, but everyone here at Baudville goes bananas for casual days. Replace food incentives with something just as valuable (or more) and you’ll all continue to fit in your jeans for years to come.  

Doing instead of chewing: Last year’s theme for Employee Appreciation Day was Winter Olympics. We had tons of fun activities throughout the day that kept people moving and energized. It was a total blast, and rescued everyone from the cubicle coma that comes with having a desk job. Whether it’s event-driven diversions, or a few laps around the building on an everyday basis, finding ways to rejuvenate your team members is good for the both the body and mind.


Happy Employee Appreciation Day!..

Why Recognize?  You’ve heard lots of numbers and statistics for years – so let’s keep it simple.  Happy employees work harder for the company, period.  So today for Employee Appreciation Day the management team at Baudville is kicking things up a notch – Hollywood style!! 

That’s right, the Oscars may be over, but every employee arrived at work today to find a Twist Top Tumbler and a personalized movie ticket entitling them to a little time to chill in our very own Theatre (it’s always the name of one of our conference rooms, but especially appropriate today). The final act is a customized award delivered by their manager and a delicious lunch for all.  This day won’t break the bank but it will break through the sometimes mundane day to day and give employees a chance to have a fun shared experience – one that is sure to deliver great reviews and be a big hit!  


More Employee Appreciation Day Ideas for 2011

Did you have problems joining my Recognition TV webisode ? Unfortunately, we had some technical difficulties that prevented some people from viewing the broadcast. If you weren’t able to join us, we’re so sorry! You can watch the recorded webisode on our website. We are still editing out the 2 minutes of technical difficulties, but you can view the video now. I recommend you can skip from 50 seconds to 3 minutes. 

We had some great questions about Employee Appreciation Day from our chat audience that I wanted to elaborate on. If you have questions or ideas, please post a comment! 




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