RecogNation, an employee recognition blog


RecogNation, an employee recognition blog
It’s Time to recognize: Discover daily insights, ideas, and inspiration on all things employee recognition, corporate culture, and wellness.

Can We Talk About the Power of Recognition?

I'd love to tell you that I don't love to toot my own horn, but, the truth is, I'm a tooter. Sometimes you simply have to take matters into your own hands! A solo performance isn't a bad thing once in a while, but it is nothing like when everyone picks up an instrument and starts playing in your personal symphony. 


Baudville is Kicking off Wellness for 2014 and You Can Too!

Our fourth-annual Spring Fitness Challenge started this week, and got off to an exciting start with the addition of a new, online wellness platform! Every year, we look to improve our wellness initiatives, and this year that meant upgrading our program from manual to digital—creating ease of use for both participants and team captains! 


Team Baudville Prepares for Race Day!

The 5/3 Riverbank Run is only 3 days away and all 30 of the ‘ville’s participants are getting pumped up! We have been training hard, sharing running tips and have attended a Good Form Running Clinic put on by the Conductive Learning Center and Gazelle Sports.

Each individual runner has also put in some final outstanding efforts to gather more donations for Team CLC. Since my last blog post about the Riverbank Run, Team Baudville has raised $5,126.00!  That money will help children with motor disabilities have the chance experience the life-changing Conductive Education program. We are so happy to have the chance to help such a great cause!


Can We Talk About Your Managers?

"Why? What's wrong with our managers?," you might wonder out loud. Well, there may be nothing, but there may be something and if there is something that something could spell trouble. Are you having increased turnover in a particular area? Or lower performance than you're expecting? Is there a vibe of discontent bubbling under the surface? Any of these could indicate an issue with your middle or high-level leadership.


Can We Talk About What You’ve Been Sharing?

Last fall, a couple of co-workers and I were charged with researching trends that are emerging in human behavior and, specifically, in consumerism—you know, so we can continue to bring you the most relevant and meaningful products and resources.

That research ended up being incredibly useful in writing the latest issue of RecogNation. Those same trends that impact how people shop also influence the way that they interact, respond, and perform at work. Hmmm…super-interesting stuff for a big information nerd like me!




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