RecogNation, an employee recognition blog


RecogNation, an employee recognition blog
It’s Time to recognize: Discover daily insights, ideas, and inspiration on all things employee recognition, corporate culture, and wellness.

Can We Reverse Disengagement Trends In the Workplace?

Although I am a firm believer in leaving work at work, I always keep the office door of my brain open in case some bright idea needs to get in or out. And, that very often happens—even more often at inopportune times. I might be streaming the latest (or last!) episode of Mad Men and have to shout: “Pause, please!” so I can write myself a note. Or, I might wake in the night and send an email to my work address containing a barely comprehensible message that I need to decode the next day. Here’s one that was in my inbox this morning:


3 Unique Ways Clients Are Using the hi5 Recognition Center

Did you know that we have an entire service awards program dedicated to recognition year round? I asked one of our hi5 experts to tell us more about this great recognition solution. Here's what I found!


Do You Want Your Team To Feel Appreciated?

If you were to throw me up on a stage, I'd probably steal the show - but if you asked, Greg, one of our outbound sales reps, he'd laugh and say, "NO WAY!" My point? We all have different levels of comfort when it comes to being in the spotlight. So when you are thinking about recognizing someone, be sure to recognize them the right way... The right way for them, that is!


Four Ways to Make Recognition a Priority in Your Day

Excuses, excuses! There are always a lot of them when it comes to neglecting employee recognition. “I don’t know what to do.” Or, “I don’t have the budget.” Or, the whopper with fries and a shake: “I don’t have time.”


Word to Your Mother: Jennifer Knows Best!

Every year, we celebrate the women who have made us who we are today...Moms.

This year, I think we need to celebrate the unsung hero of this special day. The one who cleans up your messes, and provides a shoulder to cry on, an ear to bend, and special ways to take care of you throughout the day.

You know who I'm talking about. It's your Office Mom.




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