RecogNation, an employee recognition blog


RecogNation, an employee recognition blog
It’s Time to recognize: Discover daily insights, ideas, and inspiration on all things employee recognition, corporate culture, and wellness.

Use incentives to drive sales and motivate your team!

If you’re a regular Baudville customer, then you’ve likely seen the Spinner Ornaments we’ve developed in past years for our holiday product launch. Seems every year our Spinners get more and more popular, which fuels us to create more and more designs. 


Year End Award and Events Ideas

The holidays are here! It seems like all the major retail areas are already bustling with holiday shoppers looking for the best gifts for everyone on their list. Have you thought about appreciation for your team yet?

The holidays and end of the year are an important time to reflect upon the contributions, accomplishments, and successes of your team. At Baudville, we celebrate with our Year End Party which includes awards, employee gifts, and lots of fun! Our employees always look forward to our event, so I’ve put together three areas of tips and ideas to help you make your own year end efforts successful. You can also get all these tips in our Recognition TV video.

1. Event Themes
Your year event or award ceremony should have a theme! It can be simple or as creative as you can imagine. Some of our past themes for the Baudville Year End Party have been game show, roaring twenties, and casino. Regardless of the theme you choose, you should always make it about the guests of honor: your team.

Your theme gets applied to all the communication about your event including the invitation, presentation slides, menu, directional signs, table cards, ID cards, even your follow up newsletter article. ID cards are an important element of our year end party. Every employee receives a card (we make them with the IDville ID Maker system) when we arrive at the party. The ID card reveals table assignments and makes employees and guests more comfortable because they don’t have to remember everyone’s name!  



Popular Year End Awards Motivate Performance

Every year, employees at Baudville look forward to the Year End party. The event is an opportunity for the team to enjoy camaraderie, a good meal, and recognition by senior leadership. Recognition is an important part of our year end party, and we have several awards that are announced at this event. The entire company anticipates who will be the next award recipient. 


Business Holiday Card Tips

Increase Retention Rates with Business Holiday Cards
In a world where email and text messaging is becoming our primary means of communication, it's the personal touch of a hand-signed and delivered business holiday card that will build your business relationships.

Sending holiday cards is a proven way to build business relationships. One study compared sales representatives who participated in a program of regular greeting card mailings to their clients (at least 4 per year) with those who did not. The sales representatives who participated had a 5% better customer retention rate than those who did not.

Not only do vendor-client relationships grow because of greeting card programs, but internal team relationships can benefit, too. Managers who send a card to their employees’ homes make a huge impression! Receiving the card at home is unexpected and has a greater impact on the employee. Plus, they can share it with friends and family for extra reinforcement.

Great relationships are key to business success, like all relationships, they require time and attention to remain strong! The first step to success is showing your attention and appreciation. With a simple, low-cost business holiday card program you'll be on your way to business – and relationship – greatness!


5 Ways to Make Year End Award Ceremonies Stress-Free

Award season is upon us! November, December, and January are popular months for year end award ceremonies and events. At Baudville, we’re already excited for our Year End Party in mid-December. The entire team gets together at a Grand Rapids venue for dinner, awards, and an activity. It’s the event of the year for our company!

How does your organization celebrate the end of the year? Do you have lunch catered in your office or take the entire team out? Do you have a formal award ceremony or casually share the successes and achievements from the year?




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