RecogNation, an employee recognition blog


RecogNation, an employee recognition blog
It’s Time to recognize: Discover daily insights, ideas, and inspiration on all things employee recognition, corporate culture, and wellness.

Posts by Cori

Cori is Baudville's in-house Recognitionista (she's officially a Certified Recognition Professional, too) and a member of the Millennial generation. Get her employee recognition tips and special discounts by liking Baudville on Facebook.
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Baudville Coupons Offer Great Savings on Employee Gifts this Week!

If you’re like me, you’re always looking for a great deal. Before I’m ready to make a purchase, I’ve searched high and low for coupons and sales to make sure I’m saving as much as possible. 

At Baudville, we know that budgets are tight at schools, offices, and organizations. Especially this week, we have several ways you can save big on employee gifts


10 Back to School Teacher Appreciation Ideas

The back to school season is here! Stores are stocked with notebooks, backpacks, pencils, and more getting students ready to return to the classroom. Teachers are already hard at work preparing lesson plans, prepping classrooms, and getting to know the names of their new class. Help ease the transition from summer to school by using a few of these back to school teacher appreciation ideas! Your teachers will love these small surprises and be motivated to jump back into the classroom! 


Team Building Book Drive for Charity

In our Summer Team Event Ideas eBook, we have several team building ideas that are centered on community involvement and charitable giving. Volunteering, fundraising, and other community-centered activities are a great team building technique. Your team comes together for a cause that is bigger than them and focuses their attention on an organization beyond their job parameters. 


"Team Building: Summer Event Ideas" eBook Now Available

We received so many great ideas from our customers in our Summer Team Event Contest that we wanted to share them all! We’ve compiled all your wonderful game, theme, and outing ideas into one eBook full of things to do with your team in the summer. 

You can download the “Team Building: Summer Event Ideas” eBook now from our Recognition Resource Center


Summer Team Events at Baudville

At Baudville, our culture is typically described as “work hard, play hard.” We are focused on our work and our goals, but we love to stop and have fun, too! And that is especially true during the summer when we can enjoy the beautiful Michigan weather (it’s currently 80 degrees and sunny!). 

One of the most anticipated summer team events at Baudville is an annual company picnic where employees can bring their families to enjoy dinner, activities, and prizes. It’s a lot of fun, and we look forward to it all year. In the past, we’ve held our picnic at a zoo, farm, ballpark, and amusement park. 




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