RecogNation, an employee recognition blog


RecogNation, an employee recognition blog
It’s Time to recognize: Discover daily insights, ideas, and inspiration on all things employee recognition, corporate culture, and wellness.

Posts by Cori

Cori is Baudville's in-house Recognitionista (she's officially a Certified Recognition Professional, too) and a member of the Millennial generation. Get her employee recognition tips and special discounts by liking Baudville on Facebook.
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Five Last Minute Ideas for Administrative Professional’s Day

Happy Administrative Professional’s Day! You did know it was today, right? And you have something very sincere and personal planned to recognize your organization’s administrative professional, right? 

If not, we have you covered. Here are five quick, last minute ways you can recognize your administrative professional today. 


Make Recognition a Part of your Spring Field Day

Spring is here! (At least that’s what they tell us. Parts of Michigan got 9 inches of snow last week!) And many schools, teachers, and room moms will soon be planning the annual spring field day in the upcoming weeks. To make your event fun and memorable, incorporate recognition into your plans.  

First, streamline the planning and coordination of all the field day volunteers An online sign up sheet by VolunteerSpot saves time and makes it super easy to coordinate parents and volunteers.. They have a free web application that allows you to easily sign up and organize your volunteer efforts online. No more sign up sheets, reply-all emails, or confused volunteers. VolunterSpot will help you coordinate everyone. It even sends reminder emails to your volunteers! The easy-to-use system makes volunteer scheduling easier and increases participation.  


Celebrate Volunteers during National Volunteer Week

National Volunteer Week was last week, April 10-16, and many organizations celebrated their volunteers during the week with a party or event. The Women’s Resource Center in Grand Rapids, Michigan, annually honors their volunteers during National Volunteer Week.

The Women’s Resource Center strives to improve women’s workplace and economic opportunities, and volunteers donate more than 2,500 hours a year coaching, mentoring, and working with the women who utilize the center’s resources.


How Do You Appreciate Nurses and Teachers?

Teachers and nurses are hardworking, dedicated, and compassion professionals whose efforts make a difference in the lives of students, patients, and their families. Unfortunately, this group of people rarely receives the recognition they deserve. 

Our latest episode of Recognition TV focused on recognizing these professionals during Teacher Appreciation Week and National Nurses Week, both take place annually in May. You can watch the entire webisode on or the Baudville Facebook page


Free Teacher and Nurse Appreciation Print and Posts

Today we posted two new sets of Print and Posts in our Recognition Resource Center ! If you are unfamiliar with our Print and Posts, go download them. Now. They are a free and fun tool to use in your office to say thank you, make someone smile, and give the entire team a little boost of morale. 




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