RecogNation, an employee recognition blog


RecogNation, an employee recognition blog
It’s Time to recognize: Discover daily insights, ideas, and inspiration on all things employee recognition, corporate culture, and wellness.

Posts by Cori

Cori is Baudville's in-house Recognitionista (she's officially a Certified Recognition Professional, too) and a member of the Millennial generation. Get her employee recognition tips and special discounts by liking Baudville on Facebook.
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Make Each Day of Customer Service Week Count

One of our staff’s favorite parts of Customer Service Week is the fact that it lasts all week. Our Spirit Team plans an activity and has communication for each day of the week, and we usually get to dress casual all week, too. It’s great! 

Doing something each day of Customer Service Week is one of our team’s best practices for making the recognition holiday memorable. The regular contact with staff throughout the week reminds everyone of how much their role in the customer experience is appreciated. 


Peer-to-Peer Recognition Ideas for Customer Service Week

Customer Service Week is coming up, and this is a fun time to celebrate your customer service team, their many accomplishments and their impact on the bottom line.


Customer Service Week Ideas

Our Recognition TV webisode today focused on Customer Service Week ideas, and you can watch the complete recorded version on or Baudville’s Facebook page. Several of of my tips, ideas and best practices are below, but I recommend you watch the entire video (it’s only about 15 minutes!) to catch everything. 

It’s important to celebrate Customer Service Week, this year October 4-8, because your customer service team has a significant impact on customer satisfaction and profitability. Industry reports have shown a direct link exists between employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction, and between customer satisfaction and improved financial performance. Recognizing the customer service team during Customer Service Week and throughout the year can be good for your business. 


Customer Service Week Ideas Webisode

Customer Service Week is October 4-8 (only 23 days away!), and this is an important week to recognize and acknowledge your customer service team. Your customer service team has a crucial role in the customer experience, and it’s important that they feel valued and appreciated. 

Customer service employees are often referred to as the face of a business. They have the greatest impact on customer satisfaction and retention. Industry reports have shown a direct link between employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction, and between customer satisfaction and improved financial performance. 


10 Ways to Recognize with Character Pins

Character Pins are one of our staple recognition products at Baudville, and they’re popular because they can be used in a variety of recognition situations. As a continuation of our How-To Recognition blog series, I share ten situations where Character Pins are a great recognition gift. 

1. Office Birthdays. Give a Happy Birthday Character Pin to acknowledge an employee’s birthday. It’s both a gift and greeting card. 




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