RecogNation, an employee recognition blog


RecogNation, an employee recognition blog
It’s Time to recognize: Discover daily insights, ideas, and inspiration on all things employee recognition, corporate culture, and wellness.

Posts by Cori

Cori is Baudville's in-house Recognitionista (she's officially a Certified Recognition Professional, too) and a member of the Millennial generation. Get her employee recognition tips and special discounts by liking Baudville on Facebook.
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Birthday Celebration Best Practices Webisode

Celebrating birthdays at work can be tricky. Some people love a big production, and others prefer to be more private about their big day. Some managers go all out with for their employees’ birthdays and others aren’t even aware birthdays exist. 

Something as simple as birthday celebration inequities within your organization can hurt employee morale, loyalty and camaraderie. Creating a company-wide birthday program can level the playing field and make all employees feel appreciated and valued on their birthday. 


How to Get More Recognition at Work

I found this great article in my reader last week by Career Matters titled, “Are you getting the recognition you deserve at work?” The article got some attention on Twitter after I tweeted the link, so I decided it would be valuable to expand on the topic and deliver it to our Baudville blog readers. 

It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day routine at work and lose sight of the importance of appreciation. This has been especially true over the last year/year and a half when workloads increased as a result of the decrease in the workforce.  We tend to get so focused on our goals, our projects, our results that we forget to say thank you to the people who help make the results happen. 


Using Tokens of Appreciation in an Employee Recognition Program

As part of our current blog series, tips and ideas for using our new recognition products, today is all about our newest signature day-to-day recognition product, Tokens of Appreciation. Hopefully you were able to attend my webisode today, too, where I talked about my ideas and answered your questions in our live video format. You can watch the webisode archive on or our Facebook page


HR Can be Recognition Strategists and Champions

Welcome back from the holiday weekend! I hope you had a fun and safe holiday and enjoyed some relaxation over the long weekend. I know I did. I used my extra day to recuperate from the Society for Human Resource (SHRM) Annual Conference in San Diego. I spent four days in San Diego working the Baudville booth, mingling with the crowd at the SHRM-Monster Tweetup and talking to thousands of human resource professionals – literally! 

If you’ve ever attended the SHRM Annual Conference, you know that it can be an overwhelming, exhausting and fabulous few days. You can see all the pictures from our trip to San Diego on our Facebook page


Bring Positive Mojo to Work by Making Someone’s Day

Thanks to everyone who attended our live video webisode, How to Be a Day Maker, this morning! If you weren’t able to attend, you can view the recorded version in the Recognition TV section of our website or on our Facebook page

In the next few weeks, you’ll hear a lot from Baudville about being a Day Maker. That’s because we’re releasing over 250 new products next week, and we believe you can use these products to make someone’s day at work. As a result, you’ll see employee morale, satisfaction and retention improve. 




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