RecogNation, an employee recognition blog


RecogNation, an employee recognition blog
It’s Time to recognize: Discover daily insights, ideas, and inspiration on all things employee recognition, corporate culture, and wellness.

Posts by Falon

As a team member since 2005, Falon has worn just about every hat the 'ville has to offer. She's seen both sides of working life — as an employee and as a manager — so if it sounds like she knows what she's talking about, we're pretty sure that's why. When she's not juggling between the IDville and Baudville brands, she's been known to whip up a mean diorama - just like that!
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3 Great Ways to Celebrate National EMS Week!

May 18-24, 2014 is National EMS Week. Many of us hope that we will never have the chance to interact with an EMS professional. These first responders bear witness to many, many dangerous and downright scary situations day after day. It's their job to bring the calm to the storm with efficiency, intelligence, kindness, and grace. Talk about tough! 


Say it With Flair: 50 Award Titles Give You the Perfect Words.

Say it With Flair: 50 Award Titles Give You the Perfect Words


It’s award season! Time to hand out those graduation certificates and completion recognition awards. To help you create the best-looking awards, we've come up with a list of 50 ideas for your certificate award titles, or you can check out our sample employee recognition award certificate titles download  for even more creative ideas!



Celebrate Your Office Moms this Mother’s Day!

Every office has one: the Office Mom. She's got candy on her desk, Band-Aids in the drawer, Asprin in the cabinet, and her door is always open. She listens, she advises, she laughs at your jokes, she brings you back to earth when you start to drift. She makes sure you're eating a hearty lunch, and that you're getting enough rest to give your very best every day on the job. She cares about you. 


Thank Your School PrinciPAL on School Principal’s Day!

I'll never forget how to spell principal thanks to the little "my principal is my PAL" trick I learned in grade school. As I've gotten older I've learned a little bit more about what principals actually do (they do not, in fact, live at school and sleep in the school closet). Principals are truly responsible for being a PAL to everyone – teachers, staff, parents, students, board members, and community members!

School Principal's Day is celebrated on May 1 this year. So take a moment to tell your principal how much you appreciate all that he or she does on a daily basis. Send a free ePraise card or hand-write a note of thanks; include a gift card to the local bookstore or coffee shop, or decorate their office while they're out to lunch.


Nurse Appreciation Ideas for National Nurses Week

May 6-12 is set aside every year as National Nurses Week. As the healthcare needs in our country grow, so do the number of working nurses! Working in this field often requires being on your game (and on your feet) for 10-12 hour shifts. It's hard work – work that many of us come into contact with many times throughout the year, and a quality nurse can make all the difference in the world!

Celebrate National Nurses Week with some of our great, new products!




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