RecogNation, an employee recognition blog


RecogNation, an employee recognition blog
It’s Time to recognize: Discover daily insights, ideas, and inspiration on all things employee recognition, corporate culture, and wellness.

Social Responsibility at Work Increases Employee Engagement and Fun

If you follow our blog, you know that we’re in the middle of a campaign to raise funds and awareness for men’s health. Get all the background information on Movember in Brad’s blog post and read Allison’s profile on a couple Baudvillans who are involved.

Raising money for a cause is always a feel-good event, and the benefits to your organization go beyond the charitable contribution.

One of the most important critical factors to retaining staff and maintaining employee engagement is employee sentiment that they have a purpose. In fact, put having a purpose number one on their list of ten things employees want. When you offer employees social responsibility opportunities, you help them achieve a greater sense of purpose. You also reduce their stress and distraction by doing all the coordination for them. In short, you meet employees’ needs for social responsibility without losing any productivity. It's a win-win. 

It’s also FUN.

During the month of November, our team is committing to the very important and serious issue of men’s health. We’re simply doing it in a light-hearted manner. After all, what’s not funny about a group of grown men growing mustaches together? 


We're Making the MOst of MOvember!

Yesterday you heard from our CEO with a message about Baudville’s participation in MOvember: an activity that calls attention to men’s health issues in a fun way. You can read all about what we’re doing here.

During MOvember, we’ll be spotlighting Mo Bros and Mo Sistas from Baudville who are taking part in this important initiative. This week’s participants are CJ and April, who answered a few questions from me about why they’re inspired to be a part of it.


It's time for MOvember!

Each year thousands of people across the nation raise awareness and support women and breast cancer research  throughout the month of October by wearing pink, donating their time and money to breast cancer foundations, or participating in fundraising events. It goes without saying (but I am going to say it anyway), that I am proud to be part of a nation that values supporting one another and raising awareness for such important causes! 


Baudville Games: Flex Your Brain Cells for Mental Gymnastics!

The gymnastics events are one of the most popular competitions in the Olympics, and they’ve always been one of my favorite events. When I’m watching the Olympians compete, I find myself in awe of the grace, athleticism, and strength that they display in every movement.

And the events this year did not disappoint! It was amazing watching 16 year old Gabby Douglas fly through the air and the exceptional performance of the U.S. women’s team. They truly are a Fab Five!

When Baudville employees applied their skills to Mental Gymnastics in our Baudville Games competition, “graceful” wasn’t exactly the first word that came to mind. Ladies and gentlemen, the Baudville Terrific Three!


Will you put the Baudville team to shame? We’ll find out this week as teams compete in Mental Gymnastics!

How to Play Mental Gymnastics:
1. Download, print, and cut out our free charades cards.
2. Choose an actor and a mediator to present to your team.
3. The actor will perform the word on the card that the mediator shows him. The player who answers correctly first gets the point.
4. The player with the most points when the deck is done is the winner. 


Free Downloads Enhance Your Baudville Games Team Competition

For the next three weeks, we’re encouraging companies and teams to participate in our Baudville Games competition. Not only do the participants have a chance to win $200 in Baudville product every week, but the Games provide an opportunity to improve employee engagement, team morale, and your office fun factor. 

We’ve created four events for your team to complete: Rubber Band Archery, Binder Clip Diving, Mental Gymnastics, and Office Soccer. Each event is simple to host and requires only a few supplies you already have in your office, like rubber bands and binder clips. We’ve created a few extra tools to make your events go off without a hitch.

Baudville Games Posters – Generating anticipation is one of the most important elements of hosting a great event. Download and print these posters to get your entire team excited about the upcoming competitions!

Rubber Band Archery Target – Are you behind on your Baudville Games event? You can still challenge your team to an event of aim and skill by playing Rubber Band Archery. Download our target to create an official playing field.

Mental Gymnastics Cards – In mental gymnastics, participants have to act out the different Olympic events. We’ve put together a set of cards for you, so all you have to do it print, cut, and play!

Office Soccer – Having the best equipment is a big part of the Olympics, and we have the same priorities for the Baudville Games!  Download our Office Soccer page and crumple it to create your ball for the shoot out.

Office Games eBook – Does your team love the events in the Baudville Games? Keep the fun going this summer with even more events! We’ve compiled all our favorite office games events and put them into a free eBook for your reference. Download the eBook today and plan your next games soon!




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