RecogNation, an employee recognition blog


RecogNation, an employee recognition blog
It’s Time to recognize: Discover daily insights, ideas, and inspiration on all things employee recognition, corporate culture, and wellness.

Engaging a New Workforce: How Do We Connect With the Digital Natives?

I know that many of you, like me, spent time over the holiday weekend with friends and family relaxing and celebrating the kick-off to summer. There isn’t anything much better than hanging out with your kids—and, as my kids get older, I appreciate the freedom from worrying about their basic safety and need to be fed…how nice is it when they begin to become self reliant and independent. Ahh…I can actually breathe and maybe enjoy a conversation that lasts for more than 5 minutes without interruption.
However, this weekend I developed a new worry about the never-ending need for the next generation to be connected to the cyber-world. Like many of you…I love my cell phone: the access I have to all my friends, and the ability to know that if someone needs me that they can find me. I also will admit, on occasion, that I am partially engaged in what I’m doing because I have several text conversations going on while I’m in a face-to-face conversation. But, in the end…I do understand manners and when I need to be engaged in what I am doing.

  How will this affect workplaces in the years to come and my own kids' ability to succeed in them? I see that many of this next generation aren’t fully engaged in anything…but partially engaged in everything. Their lives are seen through short snippets, “Likes”, and perfectly posed pictures of the happiest of times. They judge success by who was where, and what everyone thought about it—and even delete posts when they don’t generate enough feedback.

The thing is, this next generation of workers is also amazingly connected and understand the quickest way to get news, spread news, and comprehend what is happening all over the world. I, for one, am energized by their knowledge, and their circles of influence.
Knowing these positives and negatives, how can we begin to prepare ourselves for these young adults that are going to be working at our companies in the very near future? How can we tap in to their strengths while trying to quell some of their behavioral shortcomings?     
Employee engagement is one of the hottest workplace topics. When talking about it, we consider the high cost of disengagement and the impact on the company. I think most of us can easily pick out a person who is disengaged in their work. But, what we have to figure out is how will we separate disengagement from distraction. I think there is quite a bit of difference, but one that will require new management techniques and behavioral coaching.

And the MOward goes to...

Over the past month you’ve been reading about all of our MOvember events, employee spotlights, and our dedication to raising awareness for men’s health issues. Well, MOvember has officially come to a close and I don’t think any of our moustachioed participants are still sporting their ‘staches… what’s the deal, guys? Had enough of the ‘stache?

While the facial follicles may have disappeared, our dedication to the cause is apparent! Together our team raised over $500 to support a local not-for-profit Prostate Cancer Advocacy Organization, PAACT. Way to go, team!


Finding the MOtivation in MOvember.

Have you been following our MOvember challenge? We’re almost to the end! Catch the ‘staches while you can, I fear (or do I?) they will soon disappear. Curious to learn more? You can read all about what we're doing and why we’re doing it here.

Throughout MOvember we’ve been spotlighting Mo Bros and Mo Sistas from Baudville who are taking part in this important initiative. This week’s participants are Rob and Marilyn, from our always-on-top-of-it Distribution Center team, who answered a few questions about why they’re inspired to be a part of the fun.

Today’s featured Mo Bro is Rob, one of our newest Baudville team members working as our Distribution Center Supervisor since October!


Our MOustaches Are Gaining MOmentum...

Have you been following our MOvember challenge? We’re making good progress and we’re pleased to say MOst of the Baudville Mo Bros are gaining MOmentum with their furry facial hair – some of them actual look pretty good! Curious to learn more? You can read all about what we’re doing and why we’re doing it here.

During MOvember, we’re spotlighting Mo Bros and Mo Sistas from Baudville who are taking part in this important initiative. This week’s participants are Dave and Jenny, from our IDville and Operations teams, who answered a few questions about why they’re inspired to be a part of the fun.

Today’s featured Mo Bro is Dave, IDville Product Manager and resident IT Guru, a team member since 2005.

The MOre the Moier!

We’re two weeks into our MOvember challenge here at Baudville. The ‘staches are getting pretty funky and we’re having lots of fun with it! You can read all about what we’re doing here.

During MOvember, we’re spotlighting Mo Bros and Mo Sistas from Baudville who are taking part in this important initiative. This week’s participants are Justin and Amanda, from our Customer Service team, who answered a few questions about why they’re inspired to be a part of MOvember.

Today’s featured Mo Bro is Justin, IDville System Specialist and team member since 2010.



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