RecogNation, an employee recognition blog


RecogNation, an employee recognition blog
It’s Time to recognize: Discover daily insights, ideas, and inspiration on all things employee recognition, corporate culture, and wellness.

Celebrate The 2014 Games with Your Own Office Olympics!

As the 2014 Winter Olympic Games kick off in Sochi, Russia, generate some buzz around your office using our free eBook: Baudville’s Guide to the Office Games. Our first foray into the Office Olympic Games was an Employee Appreciation Day celebration, and it was such a hit we created a guide to share with you!

Download the guide now and get access to 8 event ideas along with rules, scheduling tips, and engagement ideas.


Say goodbye to a Bah Humbug Office this year with our top 5 Holiday Office Party ideas

With only a few more weeks left before Christmas and the New Year, it's time to make the most of your office holiday season. Here are our top 5 favorite holiday party ideas that will make your office jolly!

1. Hot Chocolate Bar – A Chocolaty Take on the Office Potluck
A few years back, we had a blast hosting an office cookie exchange where we all brought in our favorite holiday cookies and exchanged them for our coworkers' favs. This year, try an office Hot Chocol
ate Bar. Have your coworkers bring in their favorite Hot Chocolate toppings or ingredients and discover a new way to enjoy a favorite treat!

2. Deck your office with holiday cheer!
Get your team in the holiday spirit by holding a holiday cubicle decorating contest. Begin by giving your team time to festively decorate their cubes with wrapping paper, tinsel, ornaments, or other holiday items. Then have everyone in the office go around and vote for their favorite cube. Announce the winner, and award them with a little gift, like our Holiday Twist Top Tumblers or a gift card!

3. The Office Snowball Fight
This year, the design firm Barker Gray came up with a cute idea for how to get their southern clients to enjoy a favored tradition of the North: a snowball fight. This also happens to be a fun idea for the office. Merrily wad up some paper, take aim, and throw.  Although you don't have to worry about getting cold and wet, watch out for hazardous paper cuts!

4. Secret Santa or White Elephant Parties
Secret Santa and White Elephant gifting are two of my favorite holiday party ideas. White Elephant parties are especially fun. Have your team members bring in a crazy, funny, or strange wrapped gift to the office. Then play a fun game like Bunco or Bingo. The winner of the game will pick a present to unwrap and keep. For a little added fun and laughter, allow players the chance to swap presents with others.

5. Give Back
One of the best ways to celebrate the holidays is to give back to someone in your community. Take a day, or even a lunch break, to celebrate the holidays by serving others. One year, we decided to skip a lunch break and pack sandwiches for the Kids' Food Basket, whose mission is to fight childhood hunger. The amazing team experience we all had was a gift to ourselves as well.


Kendra is Baudville's Product Coordinator. Using her awesome powers of organization and research, she brings new and innovative products to our customers. She is a recent graduate and is ready to help with your recognition wants and needs. Watch out, because this young professional just touched down at Baudville!


Our Newest Free Download is Just in Time for World Kindness Day!

World Kindness Day is celebrated November 13 every year, and the next one is right around the corner. We've been feeling a lot of love here at Baudville lately, so the idea of extending it a little bit longer has been on everyone's minds.

In that spirit
, we decided to create our own act of kindness by designing a free download for you for World Kindness Day. The idea is to help your organization promote kindness—and, in turn, offer your team members a feel-good moment of good ol' goodwill.

Sound like work? No, way; being kind is way easier than you think! I know this because it took me only a short time to come up with 12 simple, low-cost & no-cost missions that you and your team can carry out—just like that! They're so easy to do, we recommend you do them over and over. Or even take more than one. Or take one for every day of the week!

The great thing about this undertaking is that you can make it as ambitious (or not) as you want. For example:

Option 1
Download, print copies, post in public areas, and publicize to everyone in the company. Then sit back and watch the kindness unfold.

Option 2
Add to Option 1 the opportunity to earn casual days for every task fulfilled. Once the mission is accomplished, participants just turn in their slips to their manager or HR to redeem them.

Option 3
Add to Option 2 a matched donation. Choose a charity or organization you want your proceeds to go to, then, for every mission redeemed, assign a dollar value that your company will contribute to that chosen beneficiary.

Option 4
You could be the Grand Poobah of Kindness and try all 75 ideas in our free Random Acts of Kindness eBook.

How ever you decide to use this new, free download, make sure to promote it! The more your team members know about it—and all the good that can come from it—the more participation you'll have.

Now, wasn't that easy? And, wow, doesn't it feel good?!

By the way, we'll be using this download internally here at the 'ville. Stay tuned to find out which option we chose. And, by all means, share with us if you used this free download and what you did with it at your organization. We'd LOVE to hear it!


Allison is a self-proclaimed Copywriting Diva and has the certificate to prove it! She's been writing for Baudville for almost five years and has worked in a variety of business settings for 20 years. Before becoming a professional writer 12 years ago, Allison worked as a department manager where she used Baudville products to motivate her team. She's what we call a true believer!

Princesses, Goblins, and Elmo all mean a Successful Halloween at the Ville!

We had a blast in our office this year for Halloween! Our day consisted of a costume contest, trick-or-treating, and sugar highs to last a lifetime.

We start off our day with a costume contest. Our in-house photographer, Tisha, goes around and photographs everyone who wants to participate. Then we print out the photographs of everyone and post them up in our lunch room for everyone to see the amazing costumes and vote for their favorite! Later in the afternoon, the winners are announced and receive a mystery gift card.

After all that excitement our day gets even better when our coworkers' kids come to the office and trick-or-treat at our desks.  This is my favorite part of the day! Not only is it really cool for the kids to see where their awesome Moms and Dads work, but they are extra excited for all the candy.


October 26, 2013 is National Make a Difference Day – Here’s 5 Ideas to Get You Started!

For more than 20 years, USA WEEKEND Magazine and Points of Light have joined together to sponsor Make A Difference Day, the largest national day of community service. Millions of people join together on this day each year with one common goal: to improve the lives of others. >

Thanks to
Newman's Own, you have the chance to win one of thirteen $10,000 grants to support your community, based on your Make a Difference Day event!

If you don't have anything planned yet, don't worry! Here are 5 ideas to get you started for National Make a Difference Day 2013!

1. Work Together As a Team. As we have found in
our latest community service endeavor at Baudville, serving together as a team not only feels good, it builds camaraderie and bonds that would never come out of our day-to-day work. So gather your team, decide on a cause, and get out there and make a difference together!

2. Find Your Common Cause. Perhaps your workplace is already connected with an organization that could use your help. Or, perhaps someone in your organization has fallen on hard times – or one of their family members has. Get the word out that you're looking for ways to serve in your community. It could be something as common as serving in a local food pantry, cleaning up a local park, or doing some home improvements for a family in need.

3. Spread the Word! You may only have a couple of team members ready to get out there and pound the pavement with you – don't let that kill your mojo. Invite family members, friends, and co-workers from other departments to give their time and talents with you!
Order t-shirts to build your sense of team and act as a keepsake from the event. Our "Making a Difference, It's What I Do" team shirts would be perfect!

4. Communicate, Communicate, Communicate. As the team leader, it's up to you to make sure everyone is informed. For first-time volunteers, it will probably be nerve-wracking leading up to the day. What can they expect? Are they ready? What should they bring? What SHOULDN'T they bring? Will they be uncomfortable? Will they offend someone? What should they wear? Should they bring something to eat and drink or will it be provided? How long will it last? Can they bring a friend, or their kids? Try to answer as many of these questions beforehand so your volunteers can put their minds at ease.

5. Have a Great Time & Take Pictures! You will have a great time together as a team – that's a guarantee. Document it with photos, do a few interviews of your volunteers, and the community you're serving, and after you're all done, talk about it. As much as you can. It will make you smile, and it will make you proud. Then start planning a time to do it again. Don't wait until next year – your heart, your team, and your community will thank you.

What are you doing for
National Make a Difference Day 2013? Share your plans with us and then share your post-event pictures and stories – we'd love to hear about it!


As a team member since 2005, Falon has worn just about every hat the 'ville has to offer. She's seen both sides of working life — as an employee and as a manager — so if it sounds like she knows what she's talking about, we're pretty sure that's why. When she's not juggling between the IDville and Baudville brands, she's been known to whip up a mean diorama - just like that!




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