RecogNation, an employee recognition blog


RecogNation, an employee recognition blog
It’s Time to recognize: Discover daily insights, ideas, and inspiration on all things employee recognition, corporate culture, and wellness.

Make Your Mid-Year Reviews Something People Look Forward To!

Mid-year reviews can be a daunting (and pretty boring) task for both manager and employee.


Why You Should Start an Employee Mentoring Program Now

If someone were to ask you what your company invests in, what would that list entail? The latest technology? A state-of-the art facility? Nap pods and an out-of-this-world cafeteria? Unless your staff chooses to use 40 of their waking hours a week to serve your organization completely free of charge, then your list should include, "employee benefits."


Employee Engagement: The No. One HR Challenge

Ok, the secret's out. The number one challenge companies faced in 2016 was employee engagement.  In fact, a recent study shows that as much as 78% of today's business leaders rank employee engagement and retention as their top concerns.  If those challenges are numbers one and two on the list of headaches managers and HR professionals have, it shouldn't surprise you that recruitment, recognition, and morale follow close behind.  So how do you change the game in 2017?  Renew their passion for their position, and pump up the pep in their step with these tips!


10 Healthy Breakfasts to Simplify & Supercharge your Weekday

Okay, I have a confession. Until about a month ago, I ate the same breakfast every. single. weekday. I’m at the point where I no longer want to even smell peanut butter toast. It’s not the most nutritious OR delicious thing I’ve ever had; it’s just easy. I’m not a morning person and simple & quick have been the main requirements of my “most important meal of the day” for a long time. But lately, I’ve been putting a little thought toward my morning routine and these easy-peasy/healthy/make ahead/no-cook breakfast recipes make supercharging my day simple.


Fun New Ways to Make Peer-to-Peer Recognition Work For You

Whether this is your first time to the Baudville Blog or you’ve been faithfully following along since our humble beginnings, you should know that we’re in the business of appreciation (and helping others do the same).  Recognition around the office doesn’t have to be a premeditated extravagant event.  Sometimes a simple note or high five can give a team member a much needed boost of energy.  Managers obviously play a huge role in the motivation of their direct reports, but not exclusively!  Peer-to-Peer recognition can jumpstart team morale, and promote positive mojo. 




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