RecogNation, an employee recognition blog


RecogNation, an employee recognition blog
It’s Time to recognize: Discover daily insights, ideas, and inspiration on all things employee recognition, corporate culture, and wellness.

Your Employee Recognition Program Is Falling Flat... Now What?


I was chatting with an old friend the other day, and he looked at me seriously and said, "Allison, I have to tell you about this embarrassing thing that's happening at work!" I'm not sure exactly what kind of emotional torture I imagined was going on, but as he revealed it, all I could do was laugh.


My Five Favorite Fascinating Finds: Fresh Ideas for February


I’m not exactly sure when I became a football fan, and I’m not certain I really am a fan of the game as much I am a fan of a good reason to cook chili and lie on the couch on a Sunday afternoon. The reason I bring this up is that with the Super Bowlwrapping up the season in early February comes the stark reality that the rest of the month is going to have to work pretty hard to be interesting. (This is my current explanation for why February is so abominable, anyway.) If you’re feeling that way, too, and looking for something to bring to your next water cooler conversation, check out these fascinating finds for February!


Unique Ways to Recognize Your Team

Regular recognition is an important part of keeping your team motivated and engaged, but coming up with creative ways to recognize can be difficult. To help keep your team engaged all year long, try a few of our unique ways to recognize your team.


Make the Most of Employee Appreciation Day March 6, 2015


Employee Appreciation Day is two weeks away! You may be thinking to yourself, “that’s great, but my employees aren’t really into all that fluffy, touchy, feely stuff…” We get it. Many workplaces are filled with employees that are satisfied with receiving a paycheck for their daily work – or so they think.


The Do’s of Celebrating Valentine’s Day in The Workplace (With a Free Print and Post Download!)


Did you know that more than 62% of Americans celebrate Valentine’s Day each year? That’s more than half of the nation scrambling to make reservations, purchase flowers, candies, stuffed animals, and more to please their Valentine! A holiday revolved around love, gush, and attraction can be difficult to address appropriately in the workplace, but to ignore a holiday that is so prevalent in our world today would be difficult… especially when you don’t have to. But how can it be celebrated the right way?




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