RecogNation, an employee recognition blog


RecogNation, an employee recognition blog
It’s Time to recognize: Discover daily insights, ideas, and inspiration on all things employee recognition, corporate culture, and wellness.

Team Recognition Ideas to Encourage Fun at Work

Creating shared experiences with these team recognition ideas will boost both morale and the bottom line. Research shows that happy employees have a positive impact on an organization's revenues and customer satisfaction by creating an atmosphere of open communication, recognition, trust, respect, and fun.

These team recognition ideas are from our 52 Ways to Have Fun at Work eBook.


Five Misconceptions About Employee Recognition

Working in the employee recognition industry, I hear a lot of opinions about the practice. A lot. I'm always surprised when I talk with people who have a long list of reasons why they don't or won't do it in their organizations. Not that I am always right (though, generally, I am), but they have definitely got it all wrong! They say...


Our Must-Follow Groups on LinkedIn Might Surprise You!

As I have recently become more engaged in LinkedIn, I've been sort of creeping around, trying to find some groups to join and, in the process, new people to meet. I even talked with several of my colleagues, hoping to get connected with some of their savvy—and pass it on to you, too. But, I found out that, when it comes to LinkedIn groups, there is no one answer for how to or with which to best engage.


How to Win Big With an Annual Awards Program!

Do you know what I just realized? In my 21 years in the professional world, Baudville is the only place I’ve worked that gives formal, year-end awards. Yes, we are in the trophy business, and it is pretty easy for us to get our hands on whatever kinds of awards we need—and engrave on them anything we want right here in the building...but, still. Hmmm. Seems odd. Especially knowing what I know now, which is that these award presentations make a pretty big impression on our staff. The fanfare, the anticipation, the moment in the spotlight: it’s kind of a big deal. And kind of big missed opportunity for those who aren’t taking part in this important employee recognition activity.


Memorable and Effective Award Presentation Tips

When making an award presentation, it's important to remember that this may be the one opportunity your recipient is publically recognized by his or her employer. To make the award memorable and effective, plan both the award ceremony and the events leading up to it. Your careful planning will ensure that the value of the award is clearly expressed and communicated.




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