RecogNation, an employee recognition blog


RecogNation, an employee recognition blog
It’s Time to recognize: Discover daily insights, ideas, and inspiration on all things employee recognition, corporate culture, and wellness.

The 10 Best Sugar Cookie Recipes to Celebrate National Sugar Cookie Day

I don’t know about you but I loooove sugar cookies. There’s just something about them that brings back the best memories of childhood. Even though National Sugar Cookie Day is on Saturday this year (July 9), why not bring a little child-like whimsy to the office by celebrating early? 


Quiz: Find Your Workplace Movie Doppelgänger

Haven't we all seen a movie about work and thought "OMG - that's so me!" Or noticed that an on-screen character is the twin of some unfortunate soul in accounting? Oh, yeah... I've daydreamed about smashing our copy machine to bits like the fellas from Office Space and I'm not ashamed to admit it! To find your ultimate workplace movie doppelgänger, take the quiz below:


National High Five Day Scavenger Hunt

National High Five Day is Thursday, April 21!

Since the olden days (of 2002), National High Five Day has been a hallmark of April. It's the sole reason many of us look forward to the month... Okay, maybe you've never celebrated High Five Day (or even heard of it) but THANKFULLY, this year you've stumbled upon our humble blog and can take advantage of this truly awesome, seemingly made up holiday! It has a completely real website, fyi.

This year, we plan to celebrate by doing a scavenger hunt! So wash your hands, put on a big smile, and let's get started!


National Volunteer Week Starts Now!

This week is National Volunteer week! What will you do to make your volunteers feel valued?


The Do's and Don'ts of Celebrating April Fool's Day in the Office (As Told By Our Pals at Dunder Mifflin)

Love it or hate it, April Fool’s Day is here. I can almost hear the collective rejoicing of office pranksters everywhere as they celebrate the fact that this special day fell on a weekday. Whether you’ve been carefully planning an elaborate cubicle switcheroo for weeks or your head just popped off your pillow this morning when you realized what day it was, it might be a good idea to heed some last minute April Fool’s advice from our favorite gang at Dunder Mifflin Paper Company:




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