RecogNation, an employee recognition blog


RecogNation, an employee recognition blog
It’s Time to recognize: Discover daily insights, ideas, and inspiration on all things employee recognition, corporate culture, and wellness.

6 Team-Building Ideas that Won't Make Everyone's Eyes Roll

For many of us, winter has been long and at the risk of sounding dramatic, a wee bit brutal.  Between the treacherous commutes on snow-covered highways and mornings beginning with a frosted windshield, it’s understandable that the winter blues can make some shoulders slump around the office.  But spring is officially here and summer is a-comin’! It’s time to drive away whatever is left of the cold weather depression that plagues your team, with awesome events and team-building activities. Try one of these out-of-the-box ideas with your work peeps to help improve collaboration and encourage team unity:


7 Events in April You Won't Want to Ignore

Being headquartered in Grand Rapids, Michigan, no one knows the phrase “March goes in like a lion and out like a lamb” better than people here at Baudville.  After enduring several late-in-the-game snowstorms we couldn’t be more excited for April and all the rain, flowers and events worth celebrating it brings! 


Why We Love To Play At Work (And You Should, Too!)

I love to play! Play is a word that’s been in my vocabulary from a very early age. As kids we love to play, but as adults we sometimes forget how important play can be in our lives, especially at work. Play can be viewed as a waste of time and resources. I beg to differ. When done well, play can be very beneficial and lucrative.  Here are four tips for helping you create some structured (and fun) playtime in your office:


Employee Appreciation Day Recap: Our Employees Rocket!

As a self-proclaimed brand spankin’ new employee of Baudville, Friday was my very first Employee Appreciation Day at the ‘Ville. I’ll let you in on a little secret: Friday was my first Employee Appreciation Day ever… It’s not like this is my first year in the workforce, it’s just that I’ve never worked anywhere that so much as batted an eyelash for Employee Appreciation Day. Man are those employers AND employees missing out because Friday was my favorite workday of the year so far!!


Random Acts of Kindness Week 2016!

February 14-20 is Random Act of Kindness Week 2016! How will you celebrate?




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