RecogNation, an employee recognition blog


RecogNation, an employee recognition blog
It’s Time to recognize: Discover daily insights, ideas, and inspiration on all things employee recognition, corporate culture, and wellness.

Sno’ Kidding: National Weatherperson’s Day is Today!

Much of the U.S. is not only experiencing abnormally cold temperatures, some states, who rarely even see the white stuff, have been rudely awakened by a morning covering of it. The result has been mass chaos, mass congestion, and mass crabbiness. Totally justified crabbiness, for sure. And, days after the news of a groundhog's shadow seen, I have even heard threats of Punxsutawney Phil-icide.

Awww, it's not his fault, folks! And, your weatherpersons are not to blame either. So, while you may feel some hostility toward the messengers of more muckiness ahead, maybe you should send a warm message of appreciation instead.


Kimberly's Kitchen: Celebrating Valentine's Day with Food, oh Yeah!

Happy New Year friends!! We are already off to a great start here at Baudville, launching over 250 new products to help you with your employee recognition initiatives! We are so looking forward to knocking your socks off this year with products and ideas to help you shine at your workplace.

As Falon mentioned in her post yesterday, Top 2 Ways to Celebrate Your Employees in 2014, birthdays and anniversaries should be a shoe-in for recognition at any organization. But then, adding in a few fun holidays doesn't hurt either, right?

So, that brings us to Valentine's Day...which as you know is less than a month away! We all love to be loved or at least thought of on this special day, if it's at home or the office (or both, come on, let's be honest, w
e want it to be both).
Over the holidays, I tried a couple of new cookie recipes, and I have to say they were both winners. I love it when a new recipe is awesome, don't you? I pinned them both to the Kimberly's Kitchen Pinterest board, so make sure to check it out. My ultimate favorite was the Raspberry Almond Shortbread Cookie from Parent Pretty. WHOA! I had given a few of these cookies to one of my girlfriends and she made them at home twice already. Oh, so good.

They are the perfect sentiment for this upcoming Valentine's Day, so make some for your team or family and they will definitely feel loved. Also, we have a great free download for Valentine's Day that you can print, cut out and attach fun little sentiments around desks, cubes or offices!


Kimberly is the Baudville Website Manager and star of our online product videos. She applies her knowledge of the web to create the ultimate online experience for Baudville customers.

Top 2 Ways to Celebrate Your Employees in 2014

Celebrating the work of your staff, volunteers, even students is fun, until someone gets recognized for their hard work and instead of building the team, the recognition effort starts to tear it down. "Why does Karen always get the credit? I work hard, too!" "Steve is always the one getting the awards. It's just because the boss likes him more." Do these comments sound familiar?

"It's not fair!" No, it's not. It's not fair that bosses and managers cannot praise an employee for doing well without another employee getting their feelings hurt. If employee recognition is supposed to build the team and create success, why doesn't it work on some teams?!

Making employee recognition fair isn't the goal. Not everyone on your team deserves recognition for a job well done if they're not doing their job well. It's sad, but true. If fairness in your employee recognition program is something you struggle with, get some expert tips here.

There is a way, however, to make sure that everyone in your organization has their time in the spotlight—good job, mediocre job, or otherwise.
Birthdays and service anniversaries are like eyeballs—everyone's got 'em, so let's celebrate!

Tips for Celebrating Birthdays in the Workplace

1. First, remember the date! There's no worse feeling than being forgotten on your birthday. Put your employees' birthdates in your calendar and set reminders for the day (or two) before so you're not scrambling at the last minute. (Our Birthday Recognition Survival Kit will keep you prepared for any birthday emergency!)

2. Second, get a card. Whether you have the whole team sign it, or just make it a personal card, take the time to write a thoughtful note. Think about your recipient, mention something meaningful to him or her, and tell them what makes them special.

3. Third, make it fun! Decorating your employee's work area for their birthday or having them wear a special birthday pin ensures their special day will not go unnoticed. No time to decorate? Take turns with your team so everyone has to pitch in, or make it simple: a bouquet of three helium balloons is fun, festive, and easy!

Tips for Celebrating Service Anniversaries in the Workplace 
 1. First, celebrate EVERY year! Many companies only celebrate 1, 5, 10, 15, and 20-year service anniversaries. Did you know that most employees leave within the first three years on the job? Perhaps if their time and dedication was acknowledged more often, more employees would stay!

2. Second, make it meaningful. Get a
card and write a personal note inside. Mention why you value their work, and call out an achievement in the past year they would be proud of. Tell them you're looking forward to many more years. You'd be surprised at the confidence this statement instills in your employees—and, as we know, on-the-job confidence leads to greater success!

3. Third, make it personal. Whether you choose an
engraved keepsake gift, or take your employee out to lunch for their special day, be sure to celebrate in a way that lets your employee know you are willing to (and want to!) invest your time in him or her as an individual.

Employee recognition does not have to be fair—it's an honor that is achieved by those who go above and beyond. But, celebrating your employees should be fair, fun, and impactful. Try starting some engaging birthday and service anniversary
programs in 2014 and your staff will feel more valued than they did last year. THAT'S just the beginning...


As a team member since 2005, Falon has worn just about every hat the 'ville has to offer. She's seen both sides of working life — as an employee and as a manager — so if it sounds like she knows what she's talking about, we're pretty sure that's why. When she's not juggling between the IDville and Baudville brands, she's been known to whip up a mean diorama - just like that!


When is Employee Appreciation Day 2014?

If you only celebrate one employee recognition holiday this year, hands down it should be Employee Appreciation Day! It occurs yearly on the first Friday in March, and this year it's March 7th.

Why is Employee Appreciation Day so important? Well, if you're in business, there's a pretty good chance that you have employees. If you have employees, they are likely keeping your business running. If your business is running well, then you have reason to celebrate. And it's pretty much a no-brainer that what you should celebrate is the people who have made it all happen. Right? Right!

It will be here before you know it, so it's time to start planning today! A successful Employee Appreciation Day has these three elements:

Activities. These don't have to be all-day activities; after all, you still need to keep that business running! But, if you plan for a few throughout the day, you'll make your Employee Appreciation Day fun and memorable without being too disruptive to your regular flow. Need ideas? Check out our free Fun at Work eBook for inspiration!

Edibles. We all need to eat, so why not plan a catered lunch for your team? It can be as simple as a boxed lunch from a favorite local deli or more elaborate, like a full buffet with all the fixins. Or, if you want to really knock their socks off, hire a food truck to park in your lot and let your employees get their lunch to order! At Baudville, when "What the Truck" pulls up to our loading dock, we know we're in for an extra-special treat.

Appreciation. The most important part of Employee Appreciation Day is right in the title. Take this opportunity to give a heartfelt thanks to your team, with a meaningful gift and a sincere note. Choose our new Positively Awesome Theme, then fill a Tote Bag with a Value Tumbler and Goofy Guy Note Cube—all lasting gifts they'll use every day. Don't forget to write a personal note to each individual that expresses your appreciation for all they do throughout the year.
That's all you need to pull off a "Wow, that was awesome!" Employee Appreciation Day. Sound like a plan, but need help planning? We have a whole team of super-friendly (plus helpful and knowledgeable) recognition specialists who are just a call or chat away—just holler!


Allison is a self-proclaimed Copywriting Diva and has the certificate to prove it! She's been writing for Baudville for five years and has worked in a variety of business settings for 20 years. Before becoming a professional writer 13 years ago, Allison worked as a department manager where she used Baudville products to motivate her team. She's what we call a true believer!

Top Recognition Holidays Coming Up in Early 2014

Part of starting off the new year on the right foot is planning ahead for future events—and celebrating employee recognition holidays is a great way to keep your team engaged and express your appreciation throughout the year. Mark your calendars for these first-quarter holidays and you'll be prepared when the important day arrives!

January 24, 2014: National Compliment Day – Tell someone they look nice today, smile and say good job, or send your co-worker an ePraise card!

February 3-7, 2014: National School Counseling Week – Let counselors know they make a difference!

February 9-15, 2014: Random Acts of Kindness Week – Buy someone a coffee, leave a nice note on their desk, or help your neighbor!

February 14, 2014: Valentine's DayDownload our FREE Valentine's Day Print-and-Posts

March 7, 2014: Employee Appreciation Day – Remind your employees how special they are on National Employee Appreciation Day 2014!

March 10, 2014: International Day of Awesomeness – Find the perfect gifts to celebrate here!

March 17, 2014: St. Patrick's Day – Before you head out for an after-work celebration, send your friends a free St. Patrick's Day ePraise card!

April 1-7, 2014: Laugh at Work Week – Check out our Gratitude with Attitude theme to spread some laughter and praise throughout your organization this week or download our FREE Print-and-Posts!

April 6-13, 2014: National Volunteer Week – For the people that give their time and talents to benefit your organization, don't forget to show your appreciation this week!

April 17, 2013: National High Five Day – Up high, down low, don't be too slow and miss this time to have fun with your team!

April 23, 2014: Administrative Professional's Day – They do it all: big and small! Thank your Admin Professionals with these great gift ideas!


As a team member since 2005, Falon has worn just about every hat the 'ville has to offer. She's seen both sides of working life — as an employee and as a manager — so if it sounds like she knows what she's talking about, we're pretty sure that's why. When she's not juggling between the IDville and Baudville brands, she's been known to whip up a mean diorama - just like that!



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