RecogNation, an employee recognition blog


RecogNation, an employee recognition blog
It’s Time to recognize: Discover daily insights, ideas, and inspiration on all things employee recognition, corporate culture, and wellness.

A Players, B Players, and C Players: Appreciating the Differences

When it comes to recognizing employees, you should look beyond top performers, say several business publications. The article in Time magazine entitled, “It's the B Team's Time to Shine,” was based largely on a Harvard Business Review article, “Let's Hear It for the B Players,” by Thomas DeLong and Vineeta Vijayaraghaven, which also inspired "Employers Learning that 'B Players' Hold the Cards" by Del Jones in USA Today.

All three articles make one point: that 80% of the American workforce, the B players that do most of the work, this backbone of productivity and service, is largely taken for granted by their employers.


It's National Pharmacist Day

I don’t know about your office or family, but the sick funk has hit hard around us! There are constantly people out sick or talking about their family members being sick. It’s going around fast and furious!


2015 Human Resources Resolutions: #1: Increase Employee Engagement

How does your organization define Employee Engagement?


Top 5 Employee Recognition Blog Posts of 2014

It’s time to put a bow on 2014. As we bring it to a close, let’s take a look at the Top 5 Employee Recognition Blog Posts according to you, our faithful readers!

#1: 6 Ways to Make Your Employee Christmas Gifts Memorable
6 simple ideas to help you present your employee Christmas gifts in a way that will reinforce the value each individual brings to your team and organization.


Last-Minute Employee Appreciation Idea for the Holidays!

It’s not easy having to be at work when so many people are at home with their families, enjoying time off. It’s important to let them know that they are appreciated throughout the year, but more importantly over the holidays and at the end of the year when people are ready for a break.

Baudville’s selection of FREE holiday ePraise cards help you do just that! There is a great variety of Christmas and New Year cards to send to your team with ease. Just select your card(s), write a message and send now or set up to send at another time. Easy peasy!

Get sending!




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